How to Foam Fill Airsoft Suppressor

How to Foam Fill Airsoft Suppressor

A soldier carrying a suppressed tactical gun

When talking about Airsoft, you may call it a suppressor or a silencer, it makes no difference.

There are many different models and people often merits that they do not work and still some say that suppressors are a must addition to their arsenal they do not want to play without.

I am going to answer the questions regarding silencers and one time and for all times explain whether they have their identify in Airsoft or not.

What does a Suppressor exercise in Airsoft?

The basic goal of a suppressor is to either suppress the air coming out of the top of the gun, impact the appearance or provide protection to the gun butt.

You must not forget that Airsoft is a sport that imitates the tactics and weaponry used in real wars and operations, therefore sometimes a tool or a device that works like a amuse in the existent war state of affairs may not work to its total potential when imitated.

Such instance is nowadays with suppressors in Airsoft, however they do work but the furnishings are not that mesmerizing every bit y'all may call back at outset.

The reasons the silencers are used for in Airsoft


There is nothing more than appealing in Airsoft so the realism that comes with it. Adding a silencer on your airsoft replica is going to get in more tactical and superb.

If you enjoy playing games, specially the sneaky ones similar Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid or Hitman or watching such movies the odds are that you will non think twice almost upgrading your favorite replica with such an addition.

Some people only demand this reason to add together silencers into their arsenal, however at that place are plenty of reasons that get mitt to mitt with such visual reason.

Barrel extensions coverage

Some guns take long inner barrel extensions that some players may find ugly, therefore it is smart to add the suppressor at the top of it to completely neutralize its advent.

The sound reduction

Suppressors practise reduce the sound on the replicas but the results may non excite yous.

In gild to understand this properly, we will demand to mention different types of replicas and how they react when the silencers in attached to them.

The Cream Suppressors amidst the other types are the best known for their effectiveness when it comes to soundproofing.

It is important to sympathise where the sound on the replica comes from, does it come up from the inner mechanism or from the acme of the gun where the air gets forced out?

The sound reduction on non-blowback Gas guns and spring guns

In instance that the audio is primarily produced at the very top of the gun where the air gets out, y'all can adhere the silencer and go some sound reduction. We are talking nigh xxx-forty% of the reduced noise.

Gas non-blowback guns and spring guns do not rely on electrical motor components and gearbox that produces the sound on its own, neither there is a moving mechanism where metal parts collide with another metal parts.

Therefore, you will have some racket reduction on such guns and information technology will exist enough to mask the sound and requite you lot the benefit of silent game approach.

Most of the difference shall exist heard on the gas guns but the difference should also be noticeable on jump guns.

However, in some environments where the echo works against you it will not be of such large help because the dissonance will not exist completely reduced but just by the percentage.

The sound reduction on Gas blowback guns and AEGs

On gas blowback guns there is a sliding and moving machinery that collides with metal parts and causes the sound on its own, the same goes for AEGs when the motor produces its own sound.

 In such cases the sound is not produced at the very top of the replica where the air is expelled and the audio tin not be reduced, and then suppressor simply will take no effect.

Scout first ten seconds – this is the all-time example of what a silencer can practise

Tracer units

These absurd devices are installed at the top of the replica every bit suppressors and besides looking cool they too take one big and cool function, they illuminate the special BBs that glow in the dark!

This is one of the coolest things I take ever seen in Airsoft. I have seen that people often use this in CQB scenarios when playing on nights.

In brusk, there are special BBs that have phosphorescent properties and can visibly glow in the dark when shot out of replica.

Tracer units help such BBs by illuminating them correct before they get projected.

If you would similar to play the airsoft over night and so you lot should check out this crazy thing.

You tin find ane of these cool devices on Amazon here.


The protection that such devices offering is not oft required, withal some guns similar some snipers or submachine guns may have the inner barrel extended over the length of the guns original barrel.

Butt extensions protection

Equally it was the case with covering the inner barrel extension to make it sure it appears well, the same goes for the protection of information technology. It is not likely to become damaged or bent when a suppressor is installed at top of it.

Practise Airsoft Suppressors affect accuracy?

Suppressors volition non assistance you with accuracy. If you demand to increase the accuracy and range on one of your airsoft guns, then y'all improve showtime counting on other stuff and non on suppressors.

The thing you could practise is to check your hop up, make clean the barrel, upgrade the gun, first using heavier Bulletin board system if your gun'due south FPS allows it, considering the heavier BBs will make more resistance confronting the current of air and therefore issue with increased accuracy.

Practice Airsoft Suppressors increment or decrease the FPS?

There are no suppressors that can increase or decrease the fps of the airsoft replica past any significant. If you lot want to increase the dps on your airsoft gun you would probably need to make changes on the inner barrel or gearbox.

Conclusion on Airsoft Silencers

From the previous you could run into whether you need a suppressor or non, I would add together them to my collection because I like tactical stuff and they have some interesting benefits, all the same they do not perform to the extent of the existent suppressors on real guns and therefore some people do not like the fact that they exercise not silent their weapon every bit they would like it to.

Practise not forget that Airsoft is withal a sport and non the real state of war, therefore sometimes just a bit of imagination helps and if all that the suppressor is going to give you is a cosmetic purpose, y'all should consider it as some swell news!

Recommended books to skyrocket your airsoft experience and skills

The first book of the airsoft bible teaches you adjusted tactics that piece of work within the field which are based on real military tactics.

The second book volition teach you lot and your team about the essential skill of advice (necessary for squad synergy and this is exactly what separates swell teams from average).

How to Foam Fill Airsoft Suppressor

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